The only sure way to know if you have a radon problem is to do a proper radon test. Radon testing in Denver is extremely important because according to the Colorado EPA Map of Radon Zones, the entire Denver area is considered a high risk for elevated levels of radon gas in indoor structures. In fact, the entire state of Colorado is considered to be either a high or moderate risk for elevated radon levels in homes and commercial properties.
The reason radon testing in Denver is so important is because prolonged exposure to elevated levels of radon gas can lead to lung cancer. According to the EPA and Surgeon General, prolonged exposure to elevated levels of radon gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Being the #2 cause of lung cancer overall, radon gas exposure is responsible for approximately 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year. Radon testing in Denver is easily accessible and extremely affordable. Many times, you can find DIY radon test kits for less than $20 and professionally administered, electronic monitor testing ranges from around $100-$150 depending on the vendor.
Whether you choose a DIY radon test kit or a professional radon test in the Denver area, the most important thing is that you choose to perform a radon test in general. Because radon gas has no smell, no visible color, and it is impossible to taste or see, the only way you can be sure your home has elevated levels of radon is to test. There are no visible or other sensory signs. For more information about radon testing in Greater Denver or for more information about the dangers of radon gas in general, contact Colorado Radon Pro’s today!